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Wikipédia, Stieg Larsson and Me
According to the French Wikipédia,I had extended meetings with Hitler’s henchmen and wrote five books about Nazis. So far, so good. In the very next sentence, however, Wikipédia walks on thin ice : « His non-fiction book in which he denounced the neo-Nazi conspiracy inspired Stieg Larsson’s Millenium trilogy. » What is this? I love Wikipedia, I really do, but honestly, I’ve got enough feathers up my ass. The truth is that I am perhaps the only man on this planet today who stayed at the house of some of Hitler’s most audacious henchmen, all dead now, and interviewed them at length. I’m writing a book about my intimate confrontations over thirty years ago with these pillars of Nazism. “Have you got a title yet?” someone said. What about Voices from the Past—To Hell and Back. Wouldn’t that be a wonderful title?’
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